Friday 10 February 2017

Daily Routine with Shaklee and the positive result


In the name of Allah; The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

In this post, I am going to share on my daily routine with Shaklee.

My aim everyday is:-

1. Workout Bismillahirrahmanirahim

In the name of Allah; The Most Gracious and The Most Mercifulfor 30-45 mins a day (5 times a week, minimum 3)
2. Eat the right food/snack throughout the day
3. Take supplements to boost positive results

When I wake up, I immediately drink a glass of water and breakfast to kick start your metabolism.

Breakfast- oats + banana + almond milk + raw honey + cinnamon powder + dark choc bits


Scrambled eggs/ sunny side up with vege (cauliflower and brocoli stir fry with butter, salt and pepper)

And then i take one serving of Shaklee Supplemet- Omega Guard,  GLA Complex and 1 teaspoon of Vivix.

(Of to the gym. It takes about 1 hr for me to reach the gym)


I usually combine strength training, circuit and interval running at the gym. My aim is to keep my heart rate up, burn fat and gain muscle mass.

Snack- Fruits (Apple, Pear, Grapes)

Lunch- Protien +  Vege + brown rice

My fav- Ikan singgang (ikan merah/jenahak/siakap rebus dengan asam keping, halia, garlic, lengkuas, serai, bawang merah, lada hitam and garam) with stir fri brocoli and cauliflower


Grilled chicken or salmon.. etc

Supplement- one serving of GLA Complex

Snack- Almonds, Walnuts or fruits or dark chocs

Dinner- tom yum soup (ayam/seafood) eggs, vege

Supplement - one serving of Vita Lea

*Throughout the day i drink 1-2 Litre of Green tea/ Spearmint tea

*I try to avoid refined carbs, processed food, sugary drinks/food, dairy and wheat

And repeat.

My verdict- without supplements

1. Sangat letih. Balik nak terus tido je.
2. Susah bangun pagi sebab tak larat. Penat
3. Rasa stress, lapar, fatigue, selalu ngantuk, cravings nak makan macam2
4. Susah berat nak turun. Sekilo sebulan pun susah. Selalu down.
5. Penat, penat and penat

With Shaklee supplements

1. Penat tapi bertenaga. Senang bangun pagi. Rasa kuat, rasa sihat. Sleep better too.
2. Kurang cravings nak makan macam2. Tak ngantuk sgt dah at work.
3. Energy level and stamina improves. I feel stronger. I workout better. Can sustain longer, run longer, lift more weights.
4. Manage to lose 3 kg of fat and gain 3 kg muscle in 1 month.
5. I feel alot better. Tak rasa stress, xde rasa fatigue. I feel good about myself.
6. Alot of people mula puji makin kurus, kulit makin cantik. Ada yang cakap I look better lepas bersalin.

With the positive results, i am going to teruskan lagi usaha dan teruskan mengambil Shaklee. For better health, and to beat PCOS.

I have a long way to go. Slowly but surely Insya Allah. I will reach my aim.

Usaha, doa, tawakkal.

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