Tuesday 19 December 2017

Sugar, sugar!

“For those PCOS-sufferers who are insulin-resistant (about 80% of them), Quitting Sugar is the number one thing that they need to do. I often refer my sugar-addicted patients to Sarah’s blog and resources.” – Lara Briden, Naturopathic Doctor.

(Via iquitsugar)

High sugar levels, insulin resistance is PCOS nightmare. Here's why:

1. Sugar causes our pancreas to release insulin to move the sugar into our cells to be used as energy
2. Access sugar causes insulin resistance (our cells loses the ability to respond to insulin)
3. Insulin resistance increase sugar levels and causes more insulin to be released into our blood stream.

What happens now?

1. High insulin levels causes our ovaries to produce male hormones
2. Male hormones will over power our female hormones

The outcome?

1. Weight gain
2. Infertility
3. Hair loss
4. Access hair growth
5. Acne

How do we manage this?

1. Through our diet. The best way is to cut out starchy carbs and sugar.
2. Through exercise. It is highly recommended to incorporate regular exercises daily.
3. With supplements. Polyphenols have been proven to improve insulin sensitivity and promote healthy sugar levels.

To consume polyphenols, i take Vivix (Shaklee) daily. Just 1 teaspoon a day. Not only it improve insulin sensitivity, but it also fixes your telomeres. Your body will produce healthier cells.

If you are trying to reduce your sugar levels, why not try Vivix? Cmon! Give it a shot!

Cut sugar and carbs, exercise regularly and take Vivix!

Lower sugar levels, improve insulin resistance, reduce male hormones and reverse your PCOS symptoms!


Saturday 16 December 2017

But for how long?!

PCOS was like a shackle on my ankle, a burden on my shoulder.

I have never heard of it prior to my diagnosis. Since that moment, it changed my life forever. Trying to manage PCOS was like:

- Go on a diet! Workout everyday!
- Eat this! Avoid that!
- Take this pill! Take that pill!
- Don't do this! Do that!

Aarrgghh!! I went into frenzy and pondered to myself-

"But, for how long?!" 😳

The answer is- forever. Yes forever. There is no cure for PCOS.

I dived in. Without thinking. And it made me so miserable. So, i decided to be off any meds and took my time to learn about PCOS, its symptoms (and what i have), and how to properly manage it through healthy eating, regular exercise and nutrition. This is when i learn about Shaklee.

When I understand PCOS and its causes and effect the question has changed its direction.

PCOS was like a shackle on my ankle, a burden on my shoulder. But, for how long?! - I don't want it to be forever!!

So i will eat better, exercise regularly and take Shaklee as long as it's going to take. So i can be better and healthier and reverse all the PCOS symptoms that i have!

See how the situation is reversed?

What I learned:

1. There is no short cut in managing PCOS or in achieving any goals in life. It will take a long time and it will be tough. But it will be worth it
2. Medication can counter PCOS symptoms. But it also has side effects. (I took metformin for sugar levels and i was down with diarrhoea, headache, nausea and other pills affected my mood). Learn and understand the medication that you are advised to take
3. Go natural! Reverse your PCOS symptoms with healthy eating, regular workout and supplements. It will take a longer time but it is always better!
4. Don't be too hard on yourself. Take one day at a time. I was too hard on my self and because of that i give up and get discouraged easily.
5. Small progressive is still progress! Pat your back when you see small improvement. (With PCOS managing sugar levels, hormones and weight is tough as hell)
6. Even if your weight don't budge, your body composition will better! Other symptoms may improve. Look at the overall achievements! (The very reason why i got discouraged)

To my PCOS superstars ⭐️⭐️⭐️ don't be shackled by PCOS. Learn about PCOS and understand you body. When you understand, you will want to change and improve your self.

Happy Monday!



COD area Puchong, PJ, Sunway, Subang.

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Something's Gotta Give

Since our first conversation in October, Miss Rania and i have been keeping in touch. She frequently asked me about my experience in managing PCOS, infertility and my pregnancy.

So i shared with her my experience and my journey before my pregnancy as a PCOSer. For 1 year:

1. I joined the gym and hired a trainer. I work out 5-7 times a week
2. I abstained from fast food, processed food, sugary food and drinks
3. I took supplements from Shaklee

She was surprised by the amount of effort i put in trying to get pregnant. What she saw was the final result- my pregnancy.

Well, something's gotta give. With PCOS, I have to put in the extra effort in almost everything, not just for fertility but for weight management and overall health.

But with it, i learn about PCOS, nutrition, and health management. I am in a better shape now than i was 10 years ago. And through PCOS, I was introduced to Shaklee.

Even after having my baby, i continue to workout, eat healthily and take my supplements. Not just to improve fertility and weight loss, but also to lower my risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and etc.

(Women with PCOS has a high risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes)

To all my PCOS superstars ⭐️⭐️⭐️take care of yourselves. Find what suits u best. It will require some changes but trust me, it is for the better.


Friday 8 December 2017

So, how do you know if it works?

 To be honest. I don't know and for years nothing seems to work. After 6 years, slowly i found the things that works for me.

After using so many hair products I finally managed to stop my hair loss. How?

Through exercise. When i work out regularly my hair fall stops. Somehow when i stop exercising my hair will fall again.

And when i pair exercising with healthy eating (for PCOS it is encouraged to avoid sugar and refined carbs) and the right supplements from Shaklee (for PCOS fish oil/omega guard and resveratrol) the quality of my hair is better and baby hair seems to grow again.

(Avoiding refined carbs and sugar and taking resveratrol and fish oil can reduce testosterone level. Access testosterone can convert to DHT that causes hair loss)

My workouts are a combo of cardio and weights. Although my weight hast budged, my body composition is better, stamina is better. I feel better physically, emotionally and mentally.

The start is always tough and when there is no results you get discouraged. I got discouraged a few months ago and i really regret it.

I still have a long way to go. But.. What i have learned:

1. Try. If you don't try, you won't know. I did not want to try Shaklee in the beginning but it has helped my family and i tremendously
2. Don't get discouraged. If you feel let down by failures. Stop and then try again. Don't stop all together. If I had not stop months back, my progress could have been better
3. Support system. This is important. My husband, family and friends are my support system. What would i do without them.
4. Change you self talk. I use PCOS as my excuse on everything. Don't ever let it rule your life.

So whatever your PCOS symptoms are. You can fight it and change it. Slow progress is still progress and a late start is better than never.

So to my PCOS superstars ⭐️⭐️⭐️

You can do it!


Thursday 7 December 2017

Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome

It is not just your ovaries that has cyst. It is everything else in your body that goes out of whack. My looks, my life and my health completely changed from my diagnosis. There is no known cure. Hormones pills can counter some symptoms as a temporary solution. But it won't cure PCOS.

I used to hate my body. But after years and years I begin to love the new me. Sure, I have issues with my weight, fertility, hair.. but i am in a better shape than i ever was. I now lead a healthier lifestyle.

And it is legit i tell ya.. 😎

There is no short cut in managing PCOS. The symptoms are unique to everyone. That is why it is important to learn, listen to your body and give it what it needs.

I used to use PCOS as an excuse for everything. But not anymore. Don't let PCOS rule your life. The main lifestyle change is

1. Eat wholesome, nutritious, natural food. Avoid sugar, refined carbs, processed food

2. Regular exercise. Minimum 30 mins a day, 3-4 times a week.

3. Take dietary supplements to close nutrition gaps.

4. Pray ( or meditate).

Supplement is so important for PCOS. Fish oil, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Resveratrol are all beneficial in combating the symptoms.

I get my supplements from Shaklee and i love it!

To my pcos superstars ⭐️⭐️⭐️ i encourage you to try. Start now, you will see the difference.

(May Allah grant us ease and good health)



Wednesday 6 December 2017

PCOS: Manage high Blood Pressure and Sugar Levels.

About a month ago, a lady by the name Rania texted me. She has found my testimony on using Vivix prior to my pregnancy.

She was diagnosed with PCOS. Her symptoms are similar to mine; hair loss, weight gain, absent period, anovulation. On top of that she is also struggling with high blood pressure and high sugar levels.

She has gone through several IUI but failed and is preparing herself for IVF. The Dr has advised her to reduce and improve her blood pressure and sugar levels to have a successful and healthy pregnancy.

She requested to know how Shaklee can help her. I recommended Vivix (resveratrol) , Ostematrix (Vitamin D, Magnesium, Calcium), Vita Lea (multi vitamin) and Omega Guard (Fish Oil/Omega 3).

On top of that i told her to

1. Have a healthy diet - reduce or eliminate sugar, refined carbs and increase protein and vegetables intake.
2. Regular exercise- brisk walk minimum 30 mins a day, 3-4 times a week

After a month, she has managed to improve both her BP and sugar levels 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

I am so happy for her. She has a long way to go in terms of improving or reducing her PCOS symptoms. But it is a start. This baby steps will will bring a lot of improvement to the overall health of a PCOSer.

To those who are struggling with PCOS symptoms proper nutrition, a healthy diet and regular workout is the key. Slowly but surely.

More updates on our progress soon.


Tuesday 5 December 2017

Hello Again!

I have not posted anything about PCOS and Shaklee for weeks. But that is not because i am no longer with or has stopped consuming Shaklee.

It is because I am currently focusing on my fertility treatment and at the same time, coaching a friend with her fertility treatment while supplementing with Shaklee.

(May Allah make it easy for all of us, and grant us wholesome and pious children)

But a few people have been in search for me to ask about Shaklee and PCOS. I am quite surprised, to be honest. I thought no body paid attention to my posts 😬

So to answer your questions:

1) Yes, I am still an active Shaklee member and distributor

2) Yes, I still consume Shaklee (especially now, to help with my fertility treatment)

3) Yes, I will still receive orders and COD/post it to you

4) Yes, I will still answer any queries on Shaklee or PCOS. Please don't hesitate to pm/email/text me

To those who asked/looked for me:

1) Thank you for reading my posts 😘

2) Thank you for placing your orders 😘😘

(May Allah grant all of us good health and gain benefits from consuming Shaklee products)

You guys are my superstars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

I love you guys ❤️


Thursday 11 May 2017

Why Vitamin C should be your best friend

Selalu cerita pasa Vitamin D, Vitamin E..

Hari ni, kite citer pasal Vitamin C pulak 😊

One of my favourite supplement in managing my PCOS symptoms is Vitamin C.

Selalunya orang makan Vitamin C untuk tingkatkan immune system badan dan untuk cantikkan kulit.

Tapi as a PCOSer, Vitamin C banyak membantu.
Macam mana die bantu? Haaa.. mcm ni..

Vitamin C adalah pemangkin semulajadi hormone yang sangat penting untuk perempuan, especially yang ada PCOS.

Hormone tu ialah...


Why progesterone is important? Progesterone penting sebab-

🌟Merangsang dengan reseptor Gama Amino Butyric (GABA) di dalam otak untuk-
⚡️Aid sleep. If you have trouble sleeping or selalu terjaga between 2-4 am, ia mungkin disebabkan oleh progesterone yang rendah
⚡️Anti- anxiety. Progesterone can give a calming effect.

🌟Promote elasticity to the skin. Progesterone buat kulit lebih anjal.
🌟Anti-inflammatory. Progesterone dapat reduce/elakkan keradangan dalam badan. Keradangan dalam badan dari patogen atau pemakanan akan increase simptom pcos.
🌟Natural diuretic, help to normalise blood sugar (sangat penting untuk PCOS sebab dapat elak dari diabetes type 2)
🌟Stimulate the cells that makes new bones (osteoblasts). Tulang akan jadi lebih kuat dan sihat.

Dan yang paling penting sekali. Progesterone helps to
🌟Stabilkan kitaran haid
🌟Membantu ovulasi (increase fertility/kesuburan)
🌟combats excess androgenic hormones in women with PCOS. Secara tak langsung dapat reduce simptom PCOS.

Kebanyakan perempuan yang ada PCOS have low progesterone.

Women with low progesterone akan mengalami-
❌ Anxiety
❌ Waking at night
❌ Low Libido
❌ Bone Loss
❌ Irregular Period, prolong menstruation and Infertility

Studies have shown that a dose of 750-1000 mg of Vitamin C dapat meningkatkan progesterone dalam badan. That's why, Sustained Released Vita C Plus is part of my daily supplement routine! With every tablet, it provides-

⚡️500 mg Vitamin C
⚡️1 biji Vita C Plus = 7 biji oren
⚡️ Vita C Plus contains bioflavonoids - membantu penyerapan Vitamin C and dapat prolong the effectiveness as well.

1 bottle can last up to 6 months (180 tablets to take 1 a day). Sangat sangat berbaloi.

Kulit cantik, tulang sihat, ketahanan badan tinggi, bantu kesuburan.

Interested? Pm je!

Friday 5 May 2017

Vivix oh Vivix - The Amazing Vivix

Salam Jumaat

Vivix oh Vivix- The Amazing Vivix

One of the best supplement I have consumed. Apa yang best sangat Vivix ni?

Let me share with you kenapa i love vivix so much-

🌟Overall Health
✅ Prevent DNA Damage
✅ Prevent Decline of Cellular Energy Production
✅ Act as Genetic Regulator
✅ Prevent the Accumulation of AGE Protien

Pendek kata, Vivix boleh bantu baik pulih sel sel dalam badan kita so that sel badan kita lebih sempurna, lebih kuat dan tahan lebih lama. Sel sel yang sihat akan menghasilkan tisu tisu badan yg sihat dan akan membentuk organ badan yang sihat

Kajian telah membuktikan yang pengambilan resveratrol boleh membantu reduce simptom pcos dengan:

✅ reduce insulin levels
✅ reduce testosteron levels
✅ reduce DHEA levels (another male hormones)

High dosage of insulin, testosterone and DHEA yang akibatkan weight gain, masalah jerawat, excess hair growth (misai/janggut) pada perempuan yang ada PCOS.

🌟Good for skin and Delay Aging

Tapi lepas consume Vivix, it does wonder to my skin. Banyak yang puji kulit cantik and ramai yang tanya pakai product apa. Sebab apa?

✅ Vivix is 10x stronger than resveratrol alone.
✅ 1 sudu Vivix mengandungi kandungan rasveratrol dalam 100 gelas wine
✅ tinggi kandungan anti- oxidants

Now, 4 of my colleagues are on Vivix. Sebab nak dapat hasil yang sama.

Lepas seminggu dua, mostly bagi feedback that they feel alot stonger and feel better.

The good thing is, Vivix provide byk lagi health benefits -

✅ anti bakteria, anti radang, anti mikrobial, anti karsinogen
✅ prevent cancer, diabetes, high BP, bagus untuk jantung

With Vivix, you look good, you feel good.

Insya Allah.

Let us all be blessed with good health and good living.

Sesiapa yang berminat, pm me!



Monday 1 May 2017

Vitamin D dan Fish oil untuk kesuburan

Fish oil and vitamin D sangat penting for those yang ada PCOS, especially if you are trying to conceive.

Fish oil- anti inflammatory, promote brain development in children and it has a positive impact on visual and cognitive development and reduce allergies in babies.

Vitamin D - It improves insulin sensitivity, lower androgens level and promote successful pregnancy! It can also help manage hirsutism (excess hair on face and body).

Why Shaklee?

Omega Guard
- one serving of Omega Guard contains 1000mg of fish oil with 540 mg of EPA and 360 mg of DHA (higher compared to other brands)

- The only brand with fish oil free from heavy metal and contaminant and the only fish oil that goes through triple molecular distillation


Ostematrix ada Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium, Mangan, Copper, Boron and Zinc for better calcium absorption and promote other health benefits!

Reference- 4-best-supplements-fertility/

Kelebihan Ostematrix


Did you know that calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D can promote body fat loss for overweight/obesed women with low calcium/vitamin D intake?

Did you know that calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D can help to boost metabolism and can prevent from regaining fat after weight loss?

There are so many other benefits of calcium, Vitamin D and magnesium other than promoting healthy bones and preventing osteoporosis in women.

High calcium intake can improve cholestrol level, improve body composition while Magnesium and Vitamin D can prevent inflammation, obesity and insulin resistant.

Jom try OsteMatrix. It provides calcium, Vitamin D, magnesium and other minerals (mangan, copper and zinc) for healthy bones and teeth.

Pregnant mothers/lactating mothers paling memerlukan calcium sebab kita kehilangan byk calcium waktu mengandung/melahirkan dan menyusu.

Sesiapa yg on metformin, akan kekurangan calcium dalam jangka panjang. Sangat memerlukan calcium dan minerals yang membantu menyerap calcium. Ostematrix also provide Vitamin D yang juga dapat improve insulin sensitivity!

Pcosers like me will gain alot from taking ostematrix sebab ia anti- inflammatary, good for insulin sensitivity and prevent obesity

Sesiapa yang ambil ostematrix especially prmpn akan terhindar dari osteoporosis and will gain body composition yang baik, promote fat loss, prevent dari regain of fat loss dan kesihatan yang optimum.

Ostematrix provides more than just calcium and promote more than just healthy bones!

Jom try Ostematrix sekarang! For healthy bones and healthy body!

#tryShaklee #beatPCOS #pmforinfo


For further reading boleh refer:


Pentingnya Vitamin D, Calcium and Magnesium


Lets know more about OsteMatrix. Why i take Ostematrix? Sebab:

1. I have gone through pregnancy and i am lactating
2. I have PCOS

Masa mengandung dulu mmg mkn calcium pills. Tapi berbeza dengan Ostematrix sebab it provides more thab just calcium! Ostematrix ada Vitamin D, Magnesium, Mangan, Copper, Boron and Zinc for better calcium absorption and promote other health benefits!

Perempuan banyak kehilangan calcium after going through pregnancy and breastfeeding. Thats why women are more at risk of osteoporosis. So we have to ensure that our calcium intake is sufficient to promote healthy and strong bones and teeth.

Women who are on birth control pills/pill perancang akan kekurangan magnesium in the long run. Magnesium sangat penting untuk kita as it helps our body to prevent insomnia, prevent PMS and promotes fertility in women, especially if you have PCOS! It is anti- inflammatary and enhances insulin secretion. Tanpa magnesium, glucose tak boleh transfer into cells.

Vitamin D pun ada banyak health benefits! It prevents diabetes, obesity, protect lungs and our heart, prevent fatigue and improve muscle function! Vitamin D is important for PCOS too! It improves insulin sensitivity, lower androgens level and promotesuccessful pregnancy! It can also help manage hirsutism (excess hair on face and body).

Combination of Calcium, Magnesium and Vitamin D will not just give you healthy bones but also better body composition and makes you healthy! It can also help manage pcos symptoms.

That is why I love Ostematrix! Lain dari supplement calcium yang lain.

Untuk tau lebih lanjut boleh refer

PCOS and Vitamin D

PCOD and Magnesium

If you are interested to try, pm cepat!


The Miracle Mineral- Magnesium

The Miracle Mineral- Magnesium

Ramai yang tak ambil penting pengambilan magnesium. And ramai yang tak tahu pun khasiat atau health benefits magnesium ni..

Banyak benefit die.. especially untuk perempuan and untuk PCOS..

Pengambilan magnesium setiap hari dapat

✅ regulate cortisol (stress hormon)
✅ reduce blood sugar levels
✅ supports thyroid
✅ aids sleep
✅ fuels cellular energy (energy production)
✅ makes hormones (can reduce hot flashes by 50%)
✅ activates Vitamin D
✅ delay aging

We can get magnesium from dark leafy greens, bananas and soybean or you can always take Ostematrix.

I love Ostematrix sebab with 1 serving you will get-

✔️ 1000 mg calcium
✔️ 400 mg magnesium
✔️ 400 ui Vitamin D
✔️ Boron, Mangan, Copper and Zink

These supplements complements each other untuk provide optimal health benefits and at the same time dapat kuatkan tulang.

Good for breastfeeding moms too! It will avoid depletion of calcium in your body. In the long run, dapat elakkan osteoporosis.

For more details boleh refer here

8 ways that magnesium rescues hormones

I am breastfeeding, with PCOS. That's why i love Ostematrix so much!

For more details

Sesiapa yang berminat nak try or nak bagi parents, kakak2, ibu2 menyusu/ pregnant try,

Call me!


Saturday 18 February 2017

My experience with Vivix


Saya mula amalkan Vivix pada 2013-2014 sebagai ikhtiar untuk mengandung. Dah macam2 cara cuba dan amalkan sebelum tu. Bile kawan recommend Shaklee dan Vivix, saya pun cuba. Tak baca pun apa itu vivix dan benefit vivix. Saya just makan satu sudu setiap hari.

Lepas berbulan amalkan Vivix dan lepas 3 tahun menunggu dan hampir putus asa, saya berjaya mengandung dengan satu cycle duphaston dan clomid.

Lepas bersalin dah tak nak sambung makan vivix. Dah x rasa perlu makan vivix lg. Tp 8 months postpartum saya alami prolong menstruation. 3 bulan bleeding and spotting non stop. Jumpe Dr buat scan, tengok2 dinding rahim dah terlalu tebal and i was put on progesteron pills.

After meeting the Dr tergerak hati, maybe nak start balik Vivix. Masa ni baru la baca apa itu vivix, benefit vivix. Pada mulanya nak contact org lain untuk beli. Tapi terbaca posting pasal vivix from Wan Syahida Kahar. Terus beli dari dia. (Sekarang dah jd downline dia pun 😎)

Dari Dec 2016 sambung minum vivix sampai sekarang. Terasa perbezaan dlm badan. Tanpa saya sedar, Vivix byk membantu saya. Cuma kekurandan knowledge tentang vivix make me feel it was not important to continue consuming vivix.

Dengan keizinan Allah, this is how Vivix helped me as a PCOSer:

1. Rasveratrol has proven to improve insulin sensitivity in women with PCOS
2. Rasveratrol has proven to lower testosteron level in women with PCOS

Dua dua ni amat penting. Sungguh tanpa saya sedari, Vivix banyak membantu masa nak mengandung dulu. Sebab walaupun masih ambik dupaston dan clomid. Saya hanya perlu 1 cycle sahaja. Sebabnya, when insulin sensitivity is improved and testosteron level is low, it can avoid clomid resistant. Sesetengan orang, ambil clomid dengan dosage tinggi masih x berjaya akibat clomid resistant.

Perbezaan badan before and after Vivix:

1. Selalu penat, sukar untuk turunkan berat badan walau dengab diet dan senaman
2. Lepas minum vivix, saya rasa bertenaga walaupun penat. I workout better.  Stamina improved.
3. Berat mula turun, ada improvement sikit demi sikit. Untuk pcos, berat susah turun sebab insulin resistant dan testosteron yg tinggi dlm badan
4. Digestion improved and saya rasa lebih sihat. Sebab vivix is able to reduce inflammation of the body.
5. Ramai puji kulit cantik. Ada yang cakap saya lebih cantik lepas bersalin.

This is because of the other benefits of Vivix. Vivix can also help delay aging, improve digestion, prevent cancer, helps to treat diabetes, helps protect and repair celullar DNA, support heart and brain health, reduce inflammation and keeps you slim by preventing growth of fat cells. Subhanallah, hebatnya ciptaan Allah yang dikurniakan untuk manusia.

I am so thankful to my friend who recommended me to try Shaklee products, and I am so thankful on the benefits that i get from consuming Vivix. For so long saya berdoa pada Allah untuk di temukan dengan penawar yang sesuai untuk saya. And i think I have found it in Vivix. Subhanallah. Hebatnya kuasa Allah. Setiap penyakit ada penawarnya. Kita yang perlu bersabar, usaha untuk cari. Setiap doa ada jawapannya. Cuma kita sebagai manusia, sedar atau tidak. Kalau bukan kerana prolong menstruation yg saya alami, saya takkan blajar dan tau lebih lanjut tentang vivix dan shaklee dan takkan sambung amalkan vivix. Maybe that is how my prayers were answered. Subhanallah.

I am going to continue consuming vivix, untill i reach my goal to reverse my PCOS symptoms. Insya Allah.

Hopefully, untuk second baby, boleh try tanpa clomid. Insya Allah.

Doa, usaha, tawakal dan yakin.

Kalau nak saya share lebih lanjut tentang pengambilan vuvix atau product shaklee atau kalau ada yang berminat nak mencuba vivix atau product shaklee, boleh contact saya!

Email: ermeyibni@gmail.com


Friday 10 February 2017

Daily Routine with Shaklee and the positive result


In the name of Allah; The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

In this post, I am going to share on my daily routine with Shaklee.

My aim everyday is:-

1. Workout Bismillahirrahmanirahim

In the name of Allah; The Most Gracious and The Most Mercifulfor 30-45 mins a day (5 times a week, minimum 3)
2. Eat the right food/snack throughout the day
3. Take supplements to boost positive results

When I wake up, I immediately drink a glass of water and breakfast to kick start your metabolism.

Breakfast- oats + banana + almond milk + raw honey + cinnamon powder + dark choc bits


Scrambled eggs/ sunny side up with vege (cauliflower and brocoli stir fry with butter, salt and pepper)

And then i take one serving of Shaklee Supplemet- Omega Guard,  GLA Complex and 1 teaspoon of Vivix.

(Of to the gym. It takes about 1 hr for me to reach the gym)


I usually combine strength training, circuit and interval running at the gym. My aim is to keep my heart rate up, burn fat and gain muscle mass.

Snack- Fruits (Apple, Pear, Grapes)

Lunch- Protien +  Vege + brown rice

My fav- Ikan singgang (ikan merah/jenahak/siakap rebus dengan asam keping, halia, garlic, lengkuas, serai, bawang merah, lada hitam and garam) with stir fri brocoli and cauliflower


Grilled chicken or salmon.. etc

Supplement- one serving of GLA Complex

Snack- Almonds, Walnuts or fruits or dark chocs

Dinner- tom yum soup (ayam/seafood) eggs, vege

Supplement - one serving of Vita Lea

*Throughout the day i drink 1-2 Litre of Green tea/ Spearmint tea

*I try to avoid refined carbs, processed food, sugary drinks/food, dairy and wheat

And repeat.

My verdict- without supplements

1. Sangat letih. Balik nak terus tido je.
2. Susah bangun pagi sebab tak larat. Penat
3. Rasa stress, lapar, fatigue, selalu ngantuk, cravings nak makan macam2
4. Susah berat nak turun. Sekilo sebulan pun susah. Selalu down.
5. Penat, penat and penat

With Shaklee supplements

1. Penat tapi bertenaga. Senang bangun pagi. Rasa kuat, rasa sihat. Sleep better too.
2. Kurang cravings nak makan macam2. Tak ngantuk sgt dah at work.
3. Energy level and stamina improves. I feel stronger. I workout better. Can sustain longer, run longer, lift more weights.
4. Manage to lose 3 kg of fat and gain 3 kg muscle in 1 month.
5. I feel alot better. Tak rasa stress, xde rasa fatigue. I feel good about myself.
6. Alot of people mula puji makin kurus, kulit makin cantik. Ada yang cakap I look better lepas bersalin.

With the positive results, i am going to teruskan lagi usaha dan teruskan mengambil Shaklee. For better health, and to beat PCOS.

I have a long way to go. Slowly but surely Insya Allah. I will reach my aim.

Usaha, doa, tawakkal.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

My Struggles and How Shaklee Helped Me


In the name of Allah; The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

My previous post focused on the positive results from consuming Shaklee as my supplements. This post I want to share on how Shaklee helps me with my struggles in managing my PCOS symptoms.

Since 2012 i struggled with:
1. Weight Gain- I gained 30 kg while on hormonal treatment without proper supplements, diet and exercise.
2. Hair loss- I lost alot of hair at the top of my head (crown area). Lepas bersalin, gugur lagi banyak and rambut baru lambat tumbuh dan lebih nipis.
3. Depression - I was sad and reclusive. I prefer to be alone and refused to leave the house. Infertility and weight gain added to the stress I was in and it affected my relationship with alot of people.
4. Lethargy- I was tired all the time. Bangun pagi memang susah. Asyik mengantuk. Penat, malas, takde mood memanjang.
5. Irregular menstruation and anovulation- Period tak datang 6 bulan, tiada atau kurang ovulasi. Lepas bersalin pulak, period tak berhenti 3 bulan.
6. Emotional Eating - I am always hungry. Lepas makan lagi lapar. Tak boleh control.
7. Dark skin at groin area- kulit jadi hitam.

The contributing factors/causes are:

1. Hormonal inbalance/masalah system endocrine. Penghidap PCOS mempunyai tahap androgen yang tinggi. Hormon tostesteron yang tinggi mengakibatkan insulin resistance, kegemukan (lemak yang terkumpul di bahagian abdomen), keguguran rambut (male pattern baldness), hirsutism (excess hair growth di bahagian badan seperti janggut, misai). Progesteron yang kurang mengganggu ovulasi.
2. Insulin resistance- tahap insulin dalam badan akibat paras gula yang tinggi. Badan akan berada dalam fat storage mode. Ini yang membuatkan pengidap PCOS susah untuk menurunkan berat badan.
3. Inflamation of the body - keradangan badan akibat kehadiran pathogen, stress, kegemukan, tostesteron/insulin yang tinggi. This will affect ovulation, encourage, excess abdrogen, weight gain, irritable bowel movement.. etc..

Semuanya bersangkut paut dan berkait.

During my consultation dgn Dr Hamid Arshat, he explained that sebab musabab PCOS ada 2 factor: dalaman dan luaran

1. Faktor dalaman- Genetics
2. Faktor luaran - Gaya Hidup, pemakanan, exposure to chemicals.. dan sebagainya..

Dr Hamid Arshat ckp no 1 ikot keturunan. Focus no 2. Dr Hamid Arshat nasihat untuk ubah gaya hidup. Saranan Dr Hamid Arshat

1. Kurangkan pengambilan chemicals secara langsung atau tidak langsung, seperti pemakanan (bahan pengawet, racun perosak), bahan plastic (BPA), barang mekap, cream badan, shampoo tukar pada olive oil or coconut oil based.
2. Elak refine processed carbs, processed white sugar, fast food, processed food, junk food. Ambik whole food, sayuran, buah, complex carbo.
3. Bersenam. 30 minit satu hari.
4. Amalkan supplement yang sesuai untuk PCOS.

 In the beginning, it was hard. Especially bila kena ubah cara pemakanan and bersenam. I feel deprived, tired, always sleepy and i was under alot of stress, especially when there is no positivs results (irregular period, weight gain instead of weight loss). And then a friend at work recommended Shaklee to me, so i tried GLA Complex, Omega Guard, Vita-Lea, Osteomatrix and Vivix.

I feel the difference after consuming Shaklee. Within 1 month of consuming Shaklee, I feel alot better, healthier, stronger, happier. I see progression in my stamina and progress in weight loss. I no longer feel depressed, stressed, fatigue, lethargy. I feel good! I look foreward to my gym sessions everyday!

People have been complementing me on my skin. Some say i look better now, after giving birth.

This is how these supplements helped me.

GLA Complex
- The GLA is extracted from borrage seed and it is much more concerntrated as compared to Evening Primerose oils.
- It helps to regulate estrogen and testosteron lever
- Promote healthy hair and skin
- Relieves PMS symptoms helps delay monopause and aging
- Helps relieve ulcers, lethargy, ache, nerve pain and inhibit growth of tumor, cyst and cancer cells
- Increase stamina and improve immune system
- Relieve complication from diabetes
- Reduce inflammation of the skin, eczema and pigmentation

Omega Guard
- one serving of Omega Guard contains 1000mg of fish oil with 540 mg of EPA and 360 mg of DHA (higher compared to other brands)
- The only brand with fish oil free from heavy metal and contaminant and the only fish oil that goes through triple molecular distillation
- Pregnant and breastfeeding moms should take Omega Guard as it helps brain development in children and it has a positive impact on visual and cognitive development and reduce allergies in babies
- Reduce inflammation of the body
- Reduce risk of chronic ill ess such as heart disease, cancer and joint problems
- Promote fat burn as it increase the level of leptin hormones that suppress appetite and increase metabolism

- contains 40 natural nutrients, 12 vitamins and 15 minerals to promote overall health

- One serving of osteomatrix provide 1000mg of calcium, 400 mg magnesium, 400 ui Vitamin D, Boron, Mangan, Copper and Zink
- PCOSers selalunya akan kekurangan calcium, magnesium and Vitamin D especially if you are on metformin (calcium).

- The amount of rasveratrol in 1 bottle Vivix is equavalent to the amount of rasveratrol found in 3000 glass of red wine (without alcohol).
- Vivix has 100mg of resveratrol per serving (1 tea spoon) the balance is 1,290mg of polyphenols blend from Muscadine grapes, European elderberries and Purple carrot.
- Resveratrol was shown to lower testosterone and insulin levels in women with PCOS
- Vivix can also help delay aging, improve digestion, prevent cancer, helps to treat diabetes, helps protect and repair celullar DNA, support heart and brain health, reduce inflammation.

Shaklee does not provide instant result. But overtime, it can do wonders to our body. Why? Because it fills the nutrition gap that we could not get obtain from our diet/food intake.

Without the right diet and exercise, these supplements will reduce or relieve the damage that will occur in our body. But with healthy eating and regular workout, you will see positive results.

I have a long way to go. But with the right diet, right exercise and supplements, Insya Allah. The best combo to beat PCOS.

Friday 27 January 2017

Why I chose Shaklee and decided to continue using Shaklee


In the name of Allah; The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful

In 2012, I was diagnosed with PCOS and my period was absent for 6 months, with a 3.2 diameter cyst on my right ovary. I have only been married for 8 months.

That was enough to break my spirit knowing that I will have to struggle with my health and fertility. Without asking much, I took the hormone treatment/pills that was prescribed to me by the Dr.

In 6 months, I gained 30 kg. I was weak, lethargy and depressed. My hair drops to no end. After a year I decided to turn my life around and fight PCOS.

I workout, reduced food intake and took supplements (Shaklee: Omega Guard, GLA Complex, Vivix and Osteometrix). It was recommended by a friend. By 2014, I managed to reduce 13kg and I managed to get pregnant.

I stopped using Shaklee right after my pregnancy, thingking I can do without it. 6 months port partum, I had prolong menstruation for 3 months. With Dr's recommendation I took progestron pills. Bleeding stopped but i struggle with my weight loss.

I hired a trainer, changed my diet (eliminate sugar, refine carbs, dairy) and begin taking shaklee again.

2015-2016- Without Shaklee/trainer/changed diet I lost 5kg of fat. I feel tired, deprived, stressed.

Jan 2017- With Shaklee/trainer/changed diet I lost 3kg of fat. I feel alot better. I am tired buy energetic,  I feel hungry and not deprived, and most important I feel happy.

When I started using Shaklee, it was because of a friend's recommendation. But after the changes that I go through with and without Shaklee, I have decided to continue with Shaklee to reverse my PCOS symptoms and to try and get pregnant without using clomid.

Shaklee is the only company that conduct landmark study on nutrition and the consumption of its product and it is certified Halal.

Landmark Study by Shaklee

Insya Allah, with the right exercise, right diet, supplements and alot od Dua, I am feeling hopeful!

May Allah answers the silent prayers in our hearts.


Thursday 26 January 2017

January 2017- A Good Start


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful.

2017 has begun and I am off to a good start. I have plans up my sleeves, but have been procrastinating it to no end.

I don't know why, but mostly it is due to my fear of failure.

A friend used to tell me:

"Fear nothing but fear itself"

I suppose now, she is absolutely right. Fear has prevented me to do so many things.

After all, if I don't try, I won't know and if I don't fail, I won't grow.

My main aim for 2017 is to reverse the Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome that has been with me since 2011.

And so my journey begins. With PCOS, it is very difficult to lose weight. So after reading alot of clinical research on nutrition, diets and exercise for PCOS,

  • Consume the right food/diet  (whole food, avoid refine carbs, sugar);
  • Do the right workout/exercise (HIIT, Strength Training, Cardio)
  • Take the right supplements (Omega 3, Omega 6, multivitamins)
My choice of supplement is Shaklee. 

The verdict:-

Without Shaklee
September - December 2009 : I lost 2 KG Fat

With Shaklee
January 2017: I lost 3 KG Fat 

I have along way to go.

May Allah make things easy for me and for everyone who struggles to achieve their dreams.
